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The Nutritional Physiology of Track and Field Athletes: How to Build Greater Physical and Mental Capacity
The Nutritional Physiology of Your Track and Field Athletes: Understanding Their Greater Physical and Mental Potential - Course No. 117-1
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Course Content - 12 Modules
Module 1: Preventing Typical Setbacks in Training and Competition: The Vital Importance of Complete and Correct Nourishment
Module 2: Whole Food Nutrition and Full Range Nutrient Nourishment - The Missing Link for Injury Prevention and Consistent, Peak Performance
Module 3: Body Systems Maintenance and Optimal Metabolic Functioning
Module 4: Human Cells: The Micro Units of Life
Module 5: Understanding the Human Body Organism - An Interactive, Cooperative, Organized System Perpetuated Only With Correct Nourishment
Module 6: Cell Damaging "Dirty' Fuels: Toxic Chemicals, System Clogging, and Dehydrating Substances to Avoid
Module 7: The Clean Fuel, Nutritional Synergy©™ System
Module 8 - Part One: The Power of Biologically Correct, Nutrient Dense Nutrition; Importance of Constant Hydration and Regular Meals
Module 8 - Part Two: Complete Proteins and Amino Acids; Whole Carbohydrates; Types of Essential Fats
Module 8 - Part Three: The Critical Importance Of Raw Foods; Enzymes, the Catalysts of Life
Module 9: Ergogenic Aids - Choosing Biologically Supplements; Why the Right Supplements Can Boost Training Progress and Performance, Extend Energy Levels, and Improve Workout Recovery Time
Module 10 - Part One: Essential Nutrients; How They Function in the Body: The Essential Vitamins - Water and Fat Soluble
Module 10 - Part Two: Essential Nutrients - How They Function in the Body: The Essential Minerals
Module 11: The Nutritional Synergy System - Food Choice and Nutrient Categories
Module 12: Integrating the Nutritional Synergy©™ System Into Your Training Regimens
Summary of Benefits: Typical Effects of Consistent, Whole Food Nourishment with the Nutritional Synergy©™ System
Additional Resources; Contact the Instructor
Additional Resources - Berkey Water Purification Sports Bottle, Nutritional Supplements
Human Body Reference Charts
Module 10 - Part Two: Essential Nutrients - How They Function in the Body: The Essential Minerals
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